Friday, February 15, 2013

FD2B Talk Radio Insight of the Night: Shayne Newman

Shayne Newman, president and silverback of YardApes, always has had a passion for both nature and giving. Although his desire to pay it forward is altruistic, he's noticed that the more he gives, the luckier he seems to get. In other words, his involvement in community service projects has been good for his karma and good for his business.

While other companies have to drag their employees kicking and screaming to participate in volunteer work, Newman actually uses these community service projects as team-building opportunities. Like most companies, YardApes employees typically work in two- and three-man crews, rarely spending time with other employees. By bringing the entire company together for a one-day project, providing coffee and donuts in the morning and hot wings and soda in the afternoon,
Newman creates such a positive atmosphere that his employees look forward to volunteering and giving back to the community.

Show: Mother Nature+Community Service = Good Karma 
Guest: Shayne Newman, YardApes, New Milford, Conn.
Date: Feb. 13, 2013 
To listen to the full show, CLICK HERE.

Editor's note: As part of a partnership between Landscape Management and FD2B Talk Radio, we'll be posting an "Insight of the Night" every Thursday from the previous night's radio show. FD2B Talk Radio is a Green Industry radio show that broadcasts live every Wednesday at 7 p.m. Eastern. Its host and founder is LM columnist Jody Shilan, who's also the editor and founder of

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