Frosty lawns in south Florida
Us Yankees flee to Florida in January anticipating balmy temperatures and blue skies, a respite from snow and ice. Imagine our surprise when we flew into the Ft. Myers airport earlier this month and the temperature is just above freezing. What followed was a string of mornings featuring heavy frosts of the kind that we typically experience in northern Ohio in late October or November.
Needless to say the cold front, lasting for almost two weeks, badly damaged Florida's orange and strawberry industries and devastated the vegetable crops being grown in the community of Immokalee, which is in far southwest Florida.
The bitter cold also did a number on the colorful tropical ornamentals so popular with homeowners and resorts from central Florida all the way to the Keys. The sight of white sheets draped over ornamental beds became a common sight for early-morning risers during Florida's extended cold snap.
In terms of landscapes, all is not lost though, reports Tampa Bay Online. If you’re wondering what you can do to revive landscape plants that suffered during the cold snap, you might want to check out the article “Bringing back the garden from Armageddon." — Ron Hall
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