Friday, March 29, 2013

FD2B Talk Radio Insight of the Night: Rich Arlington

After being discharged from the Marine Corps for medical reasons, Rich Arlington of Rich Arlington & Associates, Erie, Pa., struggled with trying to figure out what to do with the rest of his life. He sought help from a Marine physician who listened to his concerns and then gave him some good solid advice that still drives him to this day. He said, “Suck it up Marine. Overcome, adapt, improvise and make it happen.” And that’s exactly what he did.

According to Arlington, anybody can complain. That’s easy. When adversity does hit you, in business or in life, you need to remember that there's always is a way to overcome it, there's always someone who's had the same experience and pushed through it and there are always people willing to help you, if you just ask.

The bottom line: That which does not kill you makes you stronger.

If you don’t believe this, just listen to the entire interview or read Arlington's book, “Why Not You?" Proceeds from the sale of the book are used to help veterans throughout the U.S. 

Listeners are also eligible to win a free autographed copy of “Why Not You?” or the student version of DynaSCAPE Software.

Show: "Why Not You?" with Rich Arlington
Guest: Rich Arlington, Rich Arlington and Associates, Erie, Pa.
Date: March 27, 2013

To listen to the full show, CLICK HERE.

Editor's note: As part of a partnership between Landscape Management and FD2B Talk Radio, we'll be posting an "Insight of the Night" every Thursday from the previous night's radio show. FD2B Talk Radio is a Green Industry radio show that broadcasts live every Wednesday at 7 p.m. Eastern. Its host and founder is LM columnist Jody Shilan, who's also the editor and founder of     

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