Friday, April 12, 2013

CNN poll shows 6-year high in optimism

In a week full of bad news ranging from school shootings to menacing behavior from North Korea, we're happy to report that a silver lining finally emerged in a CNN poll released today. For the first time in six years, 50 percent of Americans polled said they're optimistic about the way things are going in the U.S. 

“The number continues an upward pattern since the summer of last year, when only 35 percent were optimistic about the country’s conditions,” CNN Polling Director Keating Holland stated in the CNN story on the matter.

Despite the country's 7.6 percent unemployment rate, with the stock market climbing the way it's been, Americans haven't felt so upbeat since January 2007, "when 57 percent felt the country was in good shape," the story stated. 

Are you feeling optimistic too? Please tell us what you think! And check out the full CNN story here.

Have a great weekend!

Beth Geraci

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